Monday, October 16, 2006

Fall is here now...

As much as I am sad when summer ends, and I am very sad, as soon as those leaves begin to change colors and we take our first visit to the Apple Orchard, I am in love with fall! Kona's favorite season is fall because she loves to chase the leaves as they blow down the street. Here are a few pictures of the fall planting we have been doing over the past week or so. Dave is now all about "rocks and grass" as you can see by the pool. Dave also chopped that entire pile of wood by himself! And now the whole pile is in my backyard. He says we will have enough wood for a few years. Is this little house on the praire? I am pleased to say I planted some burning bushes and planted some bulbs as well, so I am praying they make it through the winter and I didn't do anything wrong. I am wondering if my bulbs will grow; I just read in my Martha magazine you are supposed to point the ends up, and I just threw them in the hole! Oh dear...I am not a gardener.

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