Tuesday, April 28, 2009

36 Weeks- In the Final Stretch!

I can't believe I am in the final stretch of this pregnancy. Where has the time gone?! I had my 36 week appointment today and as I predicted, he is in no position to be coming early! That is fine, I really don't mind staying this way a bit longer... am I crazy? I actually LIKE being pregnant. :) I have been blessed with a fairly easy pregnancy, once all the anxiety was past! I feel pretty good and haven't gained that much weight which has been nice. I do get really winded and have for the past 8 weeks or so because he has been so high. The nursery is about completed and is just in need of the drapes and a few pictures. Dave finished the chair rail a few weeks back. I am just getting the last details that I will need when the big day arrives and trying to stay busy around here. Dave has been working in the basement on the laundry room and got that all drywalled and mudded and now we just have to paint! He put a closet in which will come in very handy.

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